How to Detoxify Your Body

If you feel exhausted and lethargic on a regular basis, you may really benefit from a detox diet.

The process of detoxification can range from 3 days to 3 weeks and will include thoroughly cleaning your body’s impurities from your liver, kidneys, and lungs. By doing this, your body will be more efficient and you will feel healthier and more energetic. 

While there is a multitude of detox diets to choose from, here are some detox standards that are common amongst most of them:

Cut It Out
During your cleanse, you'll restrain from smoking and consuming alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, sugar, and many "hidden" toxins that are part of the regular American diet, but which are secretly preventing your body from operating at its optimal level.  Eliminating toxins is the first step in allowing your organs to flush out anything that is slowing them down while they rejuvenate and repair themselves to function at their best. 

Start Juicing
Citrus fruits play a vital role in detoxification, because they provide the body with essential enzymes with natural detoxification properties.  Depending on the type of detox plan you choose, you may increase your intake of fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, lemons, pineapples and tomatoes.

Take Your Herbs

Mother Nature gives us the catalyst for the cleansing process in the form of herbs.  The most common way to ingest detoxifying herbs is through drinking detox herbal teas, which work to reduce inflammation and aide the liver in increasing efficiency.  But you can also take Echinacea, Ginger, and/or Fenugreek, all of which can be found in various forms.

You may hear about detox diets in which you fast from all food and only drink water for 3 days.  We do not recommend this extreme diet because it depletes and deprives the body of too many essential nutrients, and is actually counter-productive to optimizing organ functionality.  However, while on a detox diet, it is imperative to properly hydrate your body to aide the in process of flushing out the organs, as well as to avoid dehydration.

As you know, exercise is an essential component of maintaining good health.  While you may not have the energy to maintain a strenuous workout program during the cleanse, you should find opportunities for low-level exercise, such as taking walks or taking beginner-level yoga classes.  However, once you have completed the cleanse, you should return to a full program of regular workouts.

Transitioning Out
After completing a cleanse, you will want to slowly transition in a healthy diet that is practical for you to maintain long-term.  You'll gradually add back to your diet the meats, carbs and fats that you had eliminated, but you'll want to maintain a realistic but healthy overall diet plan to extend the benefits that your body gained during detox.  The detoxification process is often the first step in creating a new, healthier overall dietary lifestyle.