Top 10 Detox FAQ's

1. What is a detox diet?

A detox diet is a temporary dietary plan to maximize and increase your health, involving a change in consumption habits in an attempt to remove the toxins that build up in the body over time.

2. What are the first things that I have to do before I can start the detox diet?

You will have to eliminate foods that are hard on the metabolism, such as caffeine, alcohol, red meat, bread, pork, fried and deep fried food, yellow cheese, cream, butter and margarine.

3. What kind of detox diet should I do?

There is a wide range of detox diets on the market, with varying purposes and benefits.  Most of them include: herbs or herbal supplements, increased water consumption, dietary restriction and elimination, and vitamin supplements. Other options include hydrotherapy, colon hydrotherapy, sauna therapy, chelation therapy, liver flush, and deep breathing techniques.  Compare the different plans and choose the diet that best addresses your individual needs.

4. What are the top 10 Detox Foods?

Add these 10 foods to your grocery cart and you'll feel better in no time:

1. Leafy green vegetables
2. Lemons
3. Watercress
4. Garlic
5. Green tea
6. Broccoli sprouts
7. Sesame seeds
8. Cabbage
9. Psyllium
10. Fruit, fruit, fruit

5. When should I start a detox diet?

You can engage in a detox diet anytime of year, and many people do so several times a year.  If you work Monday through Friday, consider how detox will affect your work.  Some people prefer to begin the diet on a Friday so their bodies can adapt to the changes over the weekend.  The first few days are often the hardest for beginners, as some people experience headaches, diarrhea and lethargy.

6. Is there anyone who shouldn't try a detox diet?

It is very important to consult with a doctor or a qualified health care person if you have a genetic disease, food allergies, an autoimmune disease, mental illness, heart problems, diabetes, alcoholism, eating disorder, are chronically underweight, or if you are pregnant.  Furthermore, detox diets are not recommended for children or teenagers.  A natural health care provider can help you to make a dietary plan to increase your health and prevent disease.

7. How long can you typically stay on a detox diet?

Detox diets range from 3 days to 3 weeks. If this is your first detox diet, you should start with a shorter diet to make sure you can handle the program and to see what side effects you encounter.  You can increase the time frame in subsequent diets.

8. What happens after ending a detox diet?

During the detox diet, you will eliminate many foods from your regular diet.  Hopefully, some of the most harmful foods, such as fast food, fried food, and soda will be eliminated permanently.  But you will have to slowly reintroduce the rest of the food that makes up a healthy diet.  As you increase your dietary intake, you'll also be able to do strenuous exercise again.

9. What are the benefits from a detox diet?

The most noticeable change that you will experience will most likely be more energy, increased mental clarity, and better sleep.  You'll also likely lose a few pounds, but this may be temporary as you could gain them back once you return to a regular diet.  If you were suffering from headaches, allergies, fatigue, or indigestion before the cleanse, you should notice a marked improvement afterward, if not total freedom from those symptoms.

10. Are detox diets safe?

Since there are many different types of detox diets on the market, do your research before choosing the best one for you.  We do not recommend complete fasting because your body needs essential vitamins and minerals in order to properly detoxify.  Make sure that the plan that you choose gives you the proper nutrients and enough calories so you can function in your day-to-day routine.  It's important to also choose the diet that is realistic for your lifestyle.  Choose a diet for a number of days that you know you can commit to.  If you follow this advice, you should feel confident that your detox experience will be safe and effective.